Ardith Goodwin Contemporary Fine Art

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Our Gala is this week!

What a crazy week this will be for our gallery. On Tuesday night Cameron Pfiffer is having her show focusing on photography from Iceland and Thursday night we are having the Gala, which is our biggest party of the season. I haven't been before, but as I hear it, it's not to be missed. I had a lot of hopes and aspirations to get a lot done in preperations for these shows, but I just couldn't do it. Getting over my knee surgery a few weeks back has taken longer than I thought and the nerve in my neck has made it difficult to do anything with my hands for a long time. I had 6 botox injections in my neck, to release the muscles, but it didn't help for any length of time, which is a bummer. My husband laughs and says that at least my neck will look young and wrinkle free. I'd rather have it look old, but not drive me nuts from nerve pain. Anyhow, I am going to try and finish a project I've been working on, and look towards painting a new series. It's strange I think because sometimes I paint with a specific purpose, sometimes to music, other times in a fantasy world. Lately I've been thinking of creating more thought provoking, almost provacative art, but I can't put my finger on the why or the what. Hopefully, that will come to me. I saw a fascinating piece on the Today Show about an artist that paints portriats of fallen soldiers and sends them to their families, all for free. Her take on it was that they should be dads, get married, live to be 80, and their life is cut short. What an impression she made on me. Artists cannot stop wars, but they can make a difference in other peoples lives on a daily basis, in their own unique ways. I'll be thinking a lot about that today, and encourage you to do the same. How will you make your own difference in our world today? Peace, A