May You Be Uplifted!
Closing a chapter and starting fresh is something I always look forward to and this year, in light of what turned out to be a whopper of a year, the beginning of 2013 has been even more important to me. Now, I am not one for resolutions, in fact, I tend to avoid them like the plague because I start with a bang and end...shortly there after...with a bust, so this year I decided to embrace what many of my friends where choosing to do.....following one word.
At first I thought that would be easy, but of course, the wordsmith in me just couldn't land on one. Nope, I had pages written, phrases, mantras, ideas, poems, oh, it got to be ridiculous so I put my pencil down, gave room for my spirit to be surrounded by peace, and listened. I listened for HIM to guide me, listened for my heart to reveal what really was most important, and listened for the word I was meant to live to find me....and it did. was as if my spirit was lifted the minute I heard the word and I knew, like I am breathing, that UPLIFT was the word my heart would dance around.
As I sat there considering how Uplift would be my focus I once again calmed my excitement and listened. This is what I heard:
I will UPLIFT others.
I will UPLIFT others in prayer, not just words, but actual, time invested prayer for them.
I will UPLIFT others by sharing kindness, extraordinary, unexpected kindness.
I will UPLIFT others by supporting those through illness or trauma with my time and encouragement.
I will UPLIFT others by sharing beauty with them through my art and words.
I will UPLIFT others by sharing my gifts of art through teaching, mentoring, and leadership.
I will UPLIFT others by loving them with gentle strength, deep commitment, and compassion.
I will UPLIFT others by taking risks in doing what I fear, sharing my faith, and being lovingly bold.
I will UPLIFT others by embracing and loving my neighbor as myself.
I will UPLIFT others.
There have been moments of confusion in my life and then, there have been beautiful moments of perfect clarity, and today was filled with those moments. I know who I am, I know what my gifts are, and most importantly, I know how I am to use them. Mark making in 2013 will be filled with those of UPLIFTING for others, and in this, I will be true to myself and my faith.
I am so looking forward to the journey of this new year, what it holds for me and you, and how art will be celebrated. For today, I lift a glass in thanks and gratitude for you, my friends, who walk this journey with me and make it worth every step. Peace Friends may my efforts UPLIFT you in some way this year!