In Search of Cohesive Mark Making and Style

One of the very best ways to refine and develop consistency in your visual language is to work with multiples and in small/large studies. This week I spent some time really thinking through instinct composition, finding the core marks to build on, and pushing my understanding of how to narrow down those marks to their basic impact. It was such great insight and moving through the layers, the gel coats, the muted palette and the pops of color to move the eye. I do love painting large, but these 9" by 12" smalls really prop up and support those large skill sets! 

I started 13 and have 3 ready to go! Will post the others as they develop. 

All of them are on panels and will be $165 with free shipping! (message me at to purchase)

Today I actually took the finished versions and deducted them down to their most basic marking structures. This helps me really grasp which marks work well for me and which add to the strength of the composition. 

"Meiriment Three" 9" by 12" mixed media on panel 

"Meiriment Two" 9" by 12" mixed media on panel 
(this one has sold)

"Meiriment One" 9" by 12" mixed media on panel

 Some pics of what the studio looked like as I worked on multiples, from gessoing to layering the glazes in~


The Land of Ardithian Studio


A Bit of Gratitude Today